After 7 years with the same design (the last redesign was made in February 2013), it’s time to move to a completely new design.
And yes, we’re still here!
Reader Interactions
Your apps might be looked at for fun but real paranormal creatures sometimes access the media, esp those that travel by air/ dimensions
Dakiki klassendsays
I have a story once upon a time I was just 5 and it was a full moon and my mom told me meet me at this weird place it was a place in my house but when I went there there was a shape shifter or a werewolf but I always thought that werewolfS walked on two legs but the werewolf was on four legs and she said this is your dad In wolf form and said we have been keeping this a secret for to long and I said why and she said because we thought you would do it in front of people and I said I would never so I turned and it hurt so much that i couldn’t breathe but then I loved it but then I woke up and she told me that now I can turn anytime. So my wolf name is white alpha and I have lite Gray fur and black stripes and black tail with blue tip and gold eyes and I have a pack named the the moon fur-pack now I am the leader now so come join my pack in Ontario thanks for reading.
Your apps might be looked at for fun but real paranormal creatures sometimes access the media, esp those that travel by air/ dimensions
I have a story once upon a time I was just 5 and it was a full moon and my mom told me meet me at this weird place it was a place in my house but when I went there there was a shape shifter or a werewolf but I always thought that werewolfS walked on two legs but the werewolf was on four legs and she said this is your dad In wolf form and said we have been keeping this a secret for to long and I said why and she said because we thought you would do it in front of people and I said I would never so I turned and it hurt so much that i couldn’t breathe but then I loved it but then I woke up and she told me that now I can turn anytime. So my wolf name is white alpha and I have lite Gray fur and black stripes and black tail with blue tip and gold eyes and I have a pack named the the moon fur-pack now I am the leader now so come join my pack in Ontario thanks for reading.
And my claws ar gold
I’m I love with Antonia the vampire please send me her location from Liverpool tar queen slay all day xx